The dirty deets

 Sorry, but we were exhausted and all out of sorts yesterday. The full October 31st doesn't have too much to tell. We woke up, and made moves for the dock. 

Our last sunrise on the move (for a while?). 

Weaving through the keys and the mangrove cuts on our way to the dock. 

Tied up in the new digs. It feels like "the ragged edge". Both good and bad. We'll give it a minute while we settle in before we pass judgement. 

OK! TRIP TOTALS! The part you were really looking forward to! 

21 days, plus 3 waiting for the blow to pass in Rhode island. 
Engine hours: 182.3(+/- 0.1)
1.3 tubes of sunscreen. 
16 qts of oil (2 oil change and a slight leak on the port side)
6 fuel filters. 
5 lbs of cheese. Mostly cheddar.
44 tortillas.
49 kts, Max wind gust. (Probably motoring into it at 10 kts). Still unpleasant.
610 gallons of diesel.
1 apple pie. 
10 states.
1 bottle of ketchup. 
1,635 nautical miles.

"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." Kenneth Grahame. The wind in the Willows. 

I guess that about sums it up. Future updates will probably be through the usual social media outlets: facespace, Instagram (@messing_about_in_boats), and TikTok (kidding! I'm not that hip!). Maybe I'll document a few boat projects on here in the coming weeks. I don't know...



  1. Wow wow wow! And so great to follow along with your journey! 1,635 nm! And arriving right at the beginning of November. Congrats!


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