Tricked you!

 We're a day early for Halloween, but we tricked the dock master at Herbert Hoover marina (middle of nowhere, Florida). We pulled in at noon, said we would stay, and changed our minds after seeing the boat ramp zoo. #boatrampchamp. We slogged along another 15 or so miles in the gusts to 30. Wow was it worth it. We're in the lee of a little key. The water is clear, mangroves line the shore, and we've got it all to ourselves. 

Crocodile in the marina as we got water and a pump out this morning.

A beautiful sight. Miami in our wake. 

Cap'n Raymond would say "lots of lilies on the pond" in reference to all the whitecaps.

Sneaking in to our first port of call today. Note the depth sounder. 

Looks cozy, but if he can do it, we can!

Our second stop. A much better hideout. 

Dinghied to the beach. 

Rocked the swim trunks and enjoyed the clear water.

The beard has to go. It's preventing a good seal. 

Mangrove Maizey.

A sunset. 

Less than 50 miles to the finish line. Hopefully an early afternoon finish so we can catch the marina before closing and introduce our scruffy selves. Who knows how tomorrow will really unfold. We've got time...maybe we'll dawdle and enjoy another stop along the way.... Or go fishing... I've got some gear that needs to be tried out (thanks Bob!)...

Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting episode! 


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